Tuesday, July 29, 2014

September Selection: Rachel Kushner's The Flamethrowers

All right, we originally planned to read Chang-Rae Lee's On Such a Full Sea for September, but those plans were made long ago, and we're kind of bored with all the current dystopian stuff, which is TOO mainstream right now: there's a Dystopian section right next to the Duck Dynasty section at your local bookstores, for fuck's sake.

So let's read something more...real.  Something about art. And motorcycles. And the 70's.  And sex.

The Guardian's rave review of Rachel Kushner's The Flamethrowers says this:

"This is a book supercharged with ideas – futurism, fascism, Autonomia, industrialisation, American land art, pornography – but Kushner's greatest feat is to pull off an overarching radiant coherence without anything ever feeling pat. It's deeply satisfying, too, that a novel so engaged with radicalism doesn't feel the need to experiment radically with form. A formally conventional narrative that's imaginatively incendiary, it makes any fretting over the state of the novel look plain silly."

:American land art" is so hot right now!! So quit fretting and read up.

Meeting will be held in either Italy, New York, or the Taproom in LFK.

Click here for a good interview with Kushner in The Believer. Interview title: "It's Spelled Motherfuckers." 


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