Monday, April 21, 2014

A Title for this post, written by me

Well folks, it was a really great weekend. Good Friday was actually pretty great and Easter was on a Sunday this year.

In case you missed it (or don't want to scroll down a few posts) we were able to corral a couple of authors to come join us for some hijinks on Friday.

There are some photos on this young woman's website:

It was a great night and if you weren't able to attend you really missed out and there isn't really anything I can say to you that can make you understand what you now lack. I will leave some space between this paragraph and the next one so you can reflect on that.

The question came up at breakfast: Who is next? The brain trust that orchestrated part of the Great Friday has a shortlist, it is as follows:

William Faulkner
Don DeLillo
Thomas Pynchon
Jonathan Franzen
Jeffrey Eugenides

This is obviously not an inclusive list, but it is a start. We need to talk about this at the next meeting.

I don't remember what we're reading next, but it has a great cover and they have it over at the Raven. It is also titled Silence Once Begun and was written by Jesse Ball. Here is his website 
or perhaps it is this one


  1. Biting Dead Skin off Your Thumb in DeLillo.Players: "He went to the smoking area, where he saw Frank McKechnie standing at the edge of a noisy group, biting skin from his thumb."The Names (about Frank Volterra): "He wore dark glasses and kept biting skin from the edge of his thumb.”

  2. These are more or less the remarks I made at the American Literature Association conference in Boston in May, 2013 with the exception of some improvisation I injected concerning Bosley Crowther, Manny Farber, and Sam Peckinpah and what I believe their works can contribute to understanding DeLillo. I also used graphic examples from the films of Tarnatino and Kubrick to illustrate how auteurs repeat images from film to film.
